habitually lying 意味

  • 虚言癖{きょげん へき}


  1. okado ' s document required careful attention because he was said to be habitually lying ), okado conducted the interrogation of naganori asano as metsuke (inspector of foot soldiers ).


        habitually:    habitually 日頃 日ごろ ひごろ 普段 ふだん
        lying:    {1-名} : うそをつくこと、偽り His lying became a big problem in our company. 彼のついたうそが、社内で大問題になった。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {1-形} : うそつきの ---------------
        lying in:    {名} : -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {形} :
        lying-in:    {名} : 出産{しゅっさん}の床につくこと、分娩{ぶんべん} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {形} : 産科の
        habitually late:    常習的に遅刻する
        habitually punctual:    《be ~》常に時間{じかん}を守る
        habitually violent to:    《be ~》常々{つねづね}~に暴力{ぼうりょく}を振るう
        use habitually:    常用する
        habitually abuse one's child:    普段{ふだん}から子どもを虐待{ぎゃくたい}する
        habitually arrive behind time:    いつも決まって遅れて来る
        habitually delay defecation:    習慣的{しゅうかんてき}に排便{はいべん}を後回{あとまわ}しにする
        habitually indulge in alcoholic liquors:    アルコール漬け[酒浸り]になる
        habitually violent toward:    《be ~》(人)に日常的{にちじょうてき}に暴力{ぼうりょく}を振るう
        habitually work after hours:    習慣的{しゅうかんてき}に残業{ざんぎょう}する
        take a medicine habitually:    薬に親しむ


  1. "habitually arrive behind time" 意味
  2. "habitually cross one's legs for long periods of time" 意味
  3. "habitually delay defecation" 意味
  4. "habitually indulge in alcoholic liquors" 意味
  5. "habitually late" 意味
  6. "habitually punctual" 意味
  7. "habitually resort to recreational drugs" 意味
  8. "habitually violent to" 意味
  9. "habitually violent toward" 意味
  10. "habitually indulge in alcoholic liquors" 意味
  11. "habitually late" 意味
  12. "habitually punctual" 意味
  13. "habitually resort to recreational drugs" 意味

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